
Salabha means a locust in Sanskrit. When this pose is demonstrated, it gives one the
appearance of a locust.
Lie on the blanket face down and the arms touching the ground. Let the palms face upwards
with the fingers clenched. Inhale slightly. Then stiffen the whole body and raise the legs the hips
and the lower abdomen up. putting the whole weight of the body on the chest and the hands. Raise
the head also slightly.$Remain in this pose for 10 seconds in the beginning and prolong the time
little by little as long as you can retain the breath. Bring the legs down slowly, relax the muscles of
the whole body and exhale. Repeat this pose four or five times taking care to see that the lungs are
not unduly strained.
This posture bends the spine backwards and gives intra-abdominal pressure. While
Bhujangasana exercises the upper part of the body, Salabhasana develops the lower half of the
$ Some specialists in Hatha-Yoga recommend the resting of the chin, mouth and nose on the ground, whilst some
others the chin alone.
body. It relieves constipation and tones the liver, pancreas and the kidneys. Several other diseases
of the stomach are also removed. It is highly beneficial to persons suffering from lumbago. It
increases the digestive fire removes dyspepsia and promotes good appetite. A high standard of
vitality and strength is assured.