
Bhujanga means a cobra in Sanskrit. This pose is called Bhujangasana because when the
full pose is displayed, it lends one the appearance of a hooded cobra.
Spread a blanket on the ground. Lie on it face down and the muscles of the body completely
relaxed. Place the palms on the ground just below the shoulders, bending them in the elbows. Touch
the ground with the forehead and raise the head and the upper part of the body slowly just as a cobra
raises its hood. Bend the spine backwards. Let the lower part of the body from the navel downwards
right up to the toes touch the ground. Breathe normally through the nose. Retain the breath till the
head is raised and the spine bent nicely. Then again exhale. Then retain the breath while bringing
the head down and as soon as the head touches the ground, slowly inhale again. Repeat this process
of raising the head and bringing it down half a dozen times or more.
This is another good exercise for the spine. The spine becomes flexible and elastic. Rigidity
and fatigue of the back are removed. Hunch-back, back pain, lumbago and myalgia of the back are
relieved. Bhujangasana increases the intra-abdominal pressure and removes constipation. It
augments appetite by increasing bodily heat and destroys a host of other ailments. This pose is
specially useful for ladies to tone the ovary and uterus. It is a powerful tonic. Absence of
menstruation (amenorrhoea), painful menstruation (dysmenorrhoea), whites (leucorrhoea) and
various other utero-ovarine diseases are removed.